miércoles, 13 de julio de 2011

premonition II - by Alter minimaL

both stories.
he's just waiting for the movement.
she's just waiting for that paper.
she sank in the deepest thoughts.
running away.
he stills wait for that moment.
too many secrets. too many getaways.
ain't got truth behind those violent words.
he waits.
she denies him. in denial.
how long this road would take them?
he is waiting for the moment.
she has that paper.
allowing her to get in a world of fantasy.
good times.
enjoys the draining.
both stories.
both are waiting.
someone will get injured.
i see it coming.

Alter minimaL.

viernes, 22 de abril de 2011

those stolen words... - by Alter minimaL

I was about to say something, but the guys of SOAD, already said it, and A LOT better...

..."How do you own disorder, disorder,
Disorder, disorder, disorder."...

Alter minimaL.

reconocimiento... - reflexiones en 140 caracteres. (Mr. Bo! y jhonatan)

es nuestro deber como equipo humano, reconocer la labor del amigo Alter minimaL...
y su incipiente capacidad de ver mas alla de las cosas que acontecen...
no solo el futuro, sino, predecir nuestras acciones, o los efectos de acciones de los demas.
para el amigo Alter minimaL, un abrazo, y un deseo de continuacion de su buena labor.

Mr. BO!

premonition - by Alter minimaL

it looks difficult. i know it will be hard.
you never want to that day to come.
don't know for sure when.
nah, maybe i'm just losing my mind.
or not. i'm losing it, and just began to realize.
i'll have to remember this post.
the day... friday.
the hour... 12.14 AM.
the date... april, 22th
the truth... a validation time. an hour to expire.
premonition, if you will...

Alter minimaL.

lunes, 18 de abril de 2011

Организованная преступность в России - Igor Romanoff

Организованная преступность в России — форма преступности, появившаяся в СССР в 1960-х годах[1], представленная организованными преступными формированиями, совершающими в основном корыстные и корыстно-насильственные преступления, ведущими теневую и легальную экономическую деятельность, имеющими коррупционные связи в органах власти.

На Западе под названием «русская мафия» («красная мафия») могут подразумеваться любые преступные организации, как собственно российские, так и происходящие из других государств постсоветского пространства; как указывается в учебном пособии по дисциплине «Криминология», выпущенном под редакцией Н. Ф. Кузнецовой, многие из них на деле являются этническими еврейскими группировками.

Igor Romanoff

first conclusions - by Alter minimaL

being formed through a spark of this moral activity.
like an umbrella against all the bullshit that's around us.
no need to be another sheep.
without running. no need to run.
bending our personalities.

Ian Brown tells us:

-Freeing excellence affects reality
Fallen empires are ruling
Find earth and reap-

 some truth...

Alter minimaL

true fact - by Alter minimaL

You don't know how easy i am awaked.